Termination can be difficult. Here are 10 ways that offering Outplacement services can ease the transition for everyone involved.
  1. Provide onsite termination assistance/support for Management, departing staff, and remaining staff by having an objective representative from outside the company
  2. Preserve positive relationships with the employee(s) who may have a different relationship with the organization in the future
  3. Assist the departing and remaining staff with understanding the business reasons for the company’s decisions
  4. Allow departing and remaining staff to vent their angry and frustrated feelings in a Consultant’s office rather than with their network of personal and professional friends, associates, and clients
  5. Focus the departing staff on future career success
  6. Help departing staff dealing with feelings of anger, loss, shock, and sadness; make community referrals and follow-up
  7. Raise their feelings of hope and self-esteem by illustrating that their future can look as good (if not better than) as the past
  8. Demonstrate to employees that your organization is trying to minimize the impact of their job loss by providing professional assistance to expedite the job search process
  9. Ease the transition process by providing a displaced employee with a career management plan and the job search tools needed to successfully pursue a new position
  10. Maintain (and improve) your internal and external image

At Agilec, we recognize that when job change happens, it is important for the affected to quickly adjust and move forward. Agilec’s diverse group of talented staff share common beliefs and core values including: person-centred, empowerment, teamwork, excellence, integrity, and inclusiveness. We are highly educated specialists with over 30 years’ experienced in the field of outplacement services.

For more information on Agilec’s comprehensive, customized Outplacement services, click here or contact us at 1-800-361-4642 .


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