For many it is very difficult to remain positive when you have been out of work for a long time and your job search seems to be going nowhere.

This is when you have to dig really deep and keep positive because what employers are really looking at is your attitude.

Here are 5 things that I recommend you try to help keep your spirits up and help keep you positive.

  1. Surround yourself with positive, upbeat people and friends who are working. Get out of the house and spend time with these people that will inspire and motivate you. Choose to hang with people who love life and are always looking towards the positive. Their zest for life is contagious and will rub off on you every time.
  2. Read positive books, articles or affirmations, especially before going to bed at night. If you are feeling down don’t watch the news before going to bed, instead read an inspiring story. Positive reading and affirmations can change how we view the world.
  3. Watch a movie that makes you laugh or inspires you. You can even rent them from the library for free!
  4. Get outside for fresh air and sunshine. Go for a walk and get some exercise. Nothing clears the mind more then getting out by yourself and enjoying nature. Try smiling at everyone you meet.
  5. Keep a gratitude or blessing jar in your house. Take a big empty jar and each day write down something that you are grateful for and begin to watch your jar start to fill up. This helps keep you focused on your blessings in your life.

These are just some ideas that I know have helped keep me positive, I hope that they may help you too.

by Louise Shea, Guest Blogger for Agilec

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