As an Employment Service Provider, we often get employers and job seekers coming into our centres asking us this question: Where do I start if I am an employer looking to hire or if I am a jobseeker looking for work?

For many, the first reaction is to search the internet for the word “employment”. You can find anything on the internet, right? Maybe too much! For example, if you live in Ajax and Google the term “employment”, you get over 476,000,000 results. Aaahhh…where to start?

This is where you may require more than the internet to determine what kind of supports are available to help you hire someone or where you can access assistance with finding work.

Lets discuss two services that are available to you: Employment Service Providers and Employment Agencies.

What is the difference? Where should I go?
It all depends on your needs…


Employment Service Providers help employers hire someone who may not have as much experience or training, but are motivated, reliable, and dependable – with the right fit or attitude. On-the-job training support can be provided, helping your employee get training funds from MTCU (Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities). As well, an Employment Service Provider can facilitate soft-skills training on the job through a Job Coach.

Employment Agencies are often referred to as recruiters, so if you are an employer looking for someone who is in a niche employment, a specific one-of-a-kind skill set, those hard-to-find employees, or you need to fill a large amount of vacancies then consider an Employment Agency.

Job Seekers

Employment Service Providers serve any client who walks through their door. For example, if you just got laid off or you are returning to work after raising children or caring for elderly parents – whatever the reason – you can access job search assistance or possibly retraining programs.

Employment Agencies in general, serve clients who are looking for a specific job. If you are an executive looking for work, then you can call an Employment Agency that specializes in Executive Search. Some Employment Agencies or recruiters also work with companies who have a hard time filling positions because the job may be manually and physically demanding and/or is short-term (1 day to a few months) in which case you would look for an agency that hires for temp work.

These are just a few differences, the rest is up to you! We recommend you research each further and ensure you are making an informed decision when choosing which one is right for you!


by Mike Taculad, Guest Blogger for Agilec

For more information, you can always contact the Agilec location nearest you.

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