When looking for work, people always spend so much time perfecting their resume and cover letter and researching on the computer for hours on end. These things are definitely important in your job search, but nothing surpasses the power of networking.

Many people are shy and avoid networking like the plague, but I urge you to step out of your comfort box and network with at least two people per day. Make conversation with everyone you meet and don’t waste that time just talking about the weather. Make sure somewhere in the conversation you ask them where they work and try to let them know that you are looking for work and don’t forget to ask them if they know who may be hiring in the area or possibly at their workplace. Don’t be afraid to ask people for recommendations because the more people that are looking on your behalf the more successful you are going to be in finding employment. It is important to keep in mind with networking that you are reciprocating any information that someone is supplying to you. In other words, it is a two way street. If you are asking someone for something you must keep in mind that you are going to help them with any resources that you may be able to offer in return.

I believe that the universe puts people in our path to lead us to where we are meant to be, so pay close attention to the people around you. That person standing next to you in the grocery checkout line may be a manager at a business you would like to work for, so step out of your comfort box and make conversation with people throughout the day.

There are various networking groups in every city so search your area and hook up with a group. Spend time with people who are working and happy rather than unemployed and miserable. Remember success breeds success.

So go forth and network!

by Louise Shea, Blogger for Agilec

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