“Tell me about yourself” – are you prepared to answer this question in an interview? It is a pretty popular question and you will likely be asked it sometime during your job search. Here are some hints to help you compose an answer.



Are you prepared to answer this question in an interview? It is a very common question and you will likely be asked it sometime during your job search. Here are some hints to help you compose an answer.

Be prepared. It seems like such a casual question but your answer should be well thought out and sharp. Your interviewer is not looking for a 10-minute speech or a chronological history of you. They are looking for a sharp answer that sets the stage for the interview and sets you apart from the competition. Think of what your top selling point would be, and mention it in your answer!

Be specific. Mention the strongest benefit to the employer and the position. Just like in your resume, target your skills and talents for the job you are applying for.

So the next time when you walk into an interview, expect to hear the “tell me about yourself” question. By preparing for this, you’ll show that you are ready for their questions, and you’ll quickly gain their attention and interest them in finding out more about you and your ‘top selling’ point. Hopefully you will separate yourself from the competition. You’ll up your chances of being remembered and hopefully moving in the recruitment process.

by Anna Bennett, Monthly Blogger for Agilec


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