There is always the ‘day after the holiday party’ where everyone talks about how fun the night was, who was there, how the food was and of course the ‘did-you-see-that’ conversation.

Here are 5 hints on how not to be the subject of the ‘did-you-see-that’ conversation.

Be friendly – but not too friendly. Holiday parties are your time to be with your co-workers in a more casual environment where everyone is there to have fun. Enjoy the conversations, talk to people you don’t usually talk to, but you don’t want to be THAT person who goes overboard or takes the conversation to the awkward place.

Dress up time – but dress appropriately. You are still with your coworkers. Look great but don’t wear anything too revealing.

Eat Drink and Be Merry – but not too Merry. Holiday parties are a time to have fun but remember you will see all these people again the next business day. Keep in check and use your common sense.

Don’t bring your own party to the party – find out who can come to the event. Check if spouses or partners are welcome first OR if you have confirmed 2 attending don’t suddenly show up with 5 people to the event.

The party has to end – have a plan to get home safely.

Here’s to hoping that you have a great holiday party with your co-workers and wonderful holiday season with your family and friends from all of us at Agilec.

by Anna Bennett, Monthly Blogger for Agilec


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