Chaos is not necessarily something we wish for, it’s simply a natural entity. It can be difficult to have perfect control over every minute little thing at all times in an organization. Simple factors such as the photocopier not working and you have a big presentation that day, power is out and you were having a conference call with a prospective client to restructuring due to budget cuts.

Be cognizant of the changes that are occurring in the workplace and learn to develop resilience quickly. You can control your ability to handle and rise above the chaos.

Here are a few strategies:

Don’t panic.  Accept the craziness. Understand that your workplace will have lots of changes. People will change and the nature of your work will be different. Trusting yourself when you’re dealing with uncertainty can make you feel like you are in control again. Know that things do work out.

Give yourself some credit.  Praise yourself at least once a day. You’ll get a burst of confidence that will go a long way towards helping you maintain your cool amid the workplace madness.

Keep good company.  Are you stimulated and encouraged by your peers? Can you talk about a particular work issue? Schedule a once-a-week gathering to help improve your work facilities or perhaps enhance productivity.

The key to getting rid of workplace chaos is to identify the source of the problem and take proactive measures to correct it.

How do you deal with chaos in the workplace?

by Carole Marinier, monthly blogger for Agilec


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