Do you find you get caught up in office drama? When you have so many people working together, it may be hard not to get wrapped up in office politics. Different ideas and personalities are bound to arise and we need to realize that we have a choice on how we react to these situations.
Many of us prefer to avoid confrontation, but that may not necessarily be the best route for retaining professional relationships. Working through a conflict can actually build stronger associations to get the work done.
Here are a few tips:
Identify your options and start by listening. Ask some key questions and don’t sweat the small stuff. Minor issues will occur so, instead of acting on emotions, keep everything cool. When you’re on the job it’s vital to remain calm and collected in order to preserve your working relationships.
Remain positive and flexible. When something happens that is out of your control, choose your reaction carefully. There will always be changes and adjustments. How you rise above them will determine your competency in the face of adversity.
Don’t make it personal. This may be really hard but remember that your goal is to remain in good standing with everyone in the office because you never know who you’ll need help from in the future. You can be pleasant and professional, while at the same time being assertive when necessary.
What other tip do you recommend?
by Carole Marinier, Blogger for Agilec