You had a recent interview and you were told that the company will be making a decision very soon. Weeks go by and you haven’t heard from HR or received an email regarding their decision.  There could be several reasons a company hasn’t responded. Here are two of the most common reasons.

Delay.  One of the reasons you may not heard anything could be due to hectic schedules within the office and company.  Staff and management could be on holidays, off sick or there might be an emergency in the office which requires immediate attention.

Change. Perhaps the company is going through a change in restructuring. This can impact the ability to respond to candidates who had interviewed for certain positions since decision making would be put on hold for the time being.

Whenever you have the chance to speak to a live person, ask when you should follow up next. In the meantime, keep looking. Continue to network, apply for jobs and keep your search momentum going.

What other reasons have companies shared with you?

Carole Marinier | Monthly Blogger | Agilec


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