When you are in search mode, it is not the time to be modest. You need to sell yourself.

Your resume is a sales tool – your marketing tool. It should represent you and what you can bring to an employer. Make sure your resume is based on fact and truthful. Show your achievements, triumphs, experiences and potential. While your resume can get you the interview, you need to be able to stand behind it and give shining examples of what you can do. There is a lot of competition out there so make sure your resume sells you. Make sure you stand out, in a good way!

Have confidence in yourself and your qualifications – show off. Ask yourself if you are demonstrating confidence in your application documents. Would you want to interview you based on your resume?

As a resume writer, I meet a lot of job seekers who are in need of a resume revamp. Many times, I’m surprised that the resume doesn’t match with how they present. A majority of the time, the resume is drastically understated. It doesn’t show any achievements, or accomplishments. The resume just doesn’t market them and their potential.

Resumes have evolved from simply being a list of the jobs that you have done. It now should promote, market, and sell you!

by Anna Bennett | Career Transition Specialist | Agilec


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