What a great feeling to receive more than one job offer. This demonstrates how hard you have worked and your perseverance with your job search. Congratulations.
Now you have to choose between two offers. Sometimes the choice is clear, and you will have no difficulty choosing one offer over another. Some say money is the first thing they consider but what is the best thing for you? Are there other things to contemplate before making that final decision?
Weigh the pros and the cons of this offer very carefully. Here are some tips that can help with a decision.
What is the offer? Make sure you know what the offer exactly entails and contains. Get something in writing then compare; this method can help reduce the chances of making a wrong decision.
What is the total package? Salary is important and plays a big role when selecting what company you would like to work with. Examine the wages, plus bonuses, vacation, benefits, pension contribution; can you use any of these added possibilities? Do these incentives add extra value to your offer?
What is the location? One job may require you to travel to various offices or attend meetings, or it can be as simple as additional commute time to and from work. What is best for you?
Take a few days to weigh the offers and ask for more time if the companies permit.
What are some other tips that you should consider?
Carole Marinier | Monthly blogger | Agilec