We may have all experienced burn-out at one time or another or supported a colleague or family member who was unable to meet the constant demands of work or life. It is important to recognize the symptoms and seek professional help or counselling when faced with any illness.

Yet, recently I read an article on burn-out and it contained a very interesting tool that can be quite useful in dealing with burn-out, not only professionally but in our personal lives as well.

Dealing with Burnout: The “Three R” Approach

  • Recognize – watch for the warning signs of burnout
  • Reverse – undo the damage by managing stress and seeking support
  • Resilience – build your resilience to stress by taking care of your physical and emotional health


It’s okay to feel frustrated and frazzled from time to time, yet it’s important to recognize warning signs of burn-out. Everyone has a unique tolerance for how much physical and emotional stress we can endure and at times too many people ignore the stress levels and then things may become unmanageable.

You are the expert of your own mind and body. Start to develop a list of your own red flags or warning signs so you can take action and avoid burn-out.

Carole Marinier |Monthly Blogger | Agilec


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