Every day your inbox is likely bombarded with opportunities to attend or send your people for training.

The more training your staff attends the better – right? Wrong, if the training you are choosing is not focused on the right results!

There is no one size fits all training solution to solve every company’s situation.

That’s why at Agilec, we take the time to understand your company, the culture of your organization, and the challenges you face. We focus on your priorities and outcomes when we recommend training solutions. Training doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Successful and effective training considers your company’s values, as well as whether you are experiencing significant change or conflict that is impacting morale. We get quickly to the heart of your pain and assist you to address gaps in knowledge, shift attitudes, and develop skills. What are the emotional drivers impacting you and your team members? Are people behaving badly at work or not contributing to your company’s strategic vision and plan?

Training should improve performance and support your company vision.

Business Emotional Intelligence or Business EQ training provides a framework to support your company’s vision, values, and goals. It’s a way to clearly understand underlying issues impacting on your staff and teams.  Business EQ focuses on areas of behaviours and competencies at work that can be developed. It’s about awareness of what can “hijack” us and others in our jobs – and how to manage ourselves and our team members more effectively. Business EQ helps to identify what drives us in our work (motivation to succeed, stress resilience) and how to tap into that. Business EQ teaches us how to have those difficult conversations. It is about self-management as well as relationship management.

Business EQ is also customized to your organizational needs and culture. The emotional competencies of a Sales division may differ from the needs of an Accounting team – a successful sales person must be quick to make decisions, whereas an accountant may need to be more reflective. A flat organization would have need of staff who are able to self-manage, whereas a company in constant growth may require team members who are adaptable. Business EQ can help identify and customize training for whatever your company requires.

Why Business EQ now?

If you want to improve performance, and ensure you have the right staff in the right job, Business EQ is one tool that can meet your organizational needs. Maximize engagement and performance of your team today.

Change is good – our training is customized for your company’s needs. Contact us today for a free business consultation.


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