Agilec is part of a group of local agencies who are teaming up to provide a hub of services under one roof in Belleville, ON.

The new Enrichment Hub will combine the local Canadian Mental Health Association, Continuing On In Education, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hastings and Prince Edward Counties and Agilec.

As part of this large-scale collaboration, the four agencies will be moving to a new facility at 250 Sidney Street in Belleville on April 1, 2018.

“The CMHA-HPE is looking forward to expanded programming for Supportive Employment under the Ministry of Education and Skills Development and working in a completely accessible location,” said Sandie Sidsworth, executive director for the CMHA.

Stephanie Wilson of Agilec said the opportunity to provide expanded employment services and support people with disabilities and barriers is key.

“Our new location in the Enrichment Hub strengthens the supports and resources for everyone,” Wilson stated.

Chris Houlden said COED shares the same excitement.  She said day supports and social respite program will all operate from this new, accessible location.

“COED Participant Amy feels that ‘This new building will allow me to make new friends and new memories,” Houlden said.

“Another resource with our agency providing opportunities for mentoring services to children and youth in our communities,” offered Arlene Coculuzzi of Big Brothers Big Sisters.

A ribbon cutting taking place on May 10.


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