Agilec is proud to have recently achieved Gold level certification from Excellence Canada by displaying outstanding performance in the Excellence, Innovation, and Wellness Standard. The recognition is based on a comprehensive and thorough review of organizational practices including Leadership, Planning, Customers, People, and Processes.

“A tremendous amount of hard work and commitment was required by everyone at Agilec to become a recipient of Canada’s pre-eminent recognition program for organizational excellence,” says Allan Ebedes, President & CEO of Excellence Canada. “In meeting the rigour of the Canada Awards for Excellence requirements, their organization has demonstrated that it is one of the best managed in Canada. We commend Agilec on their great success!”

Agilec’s mission is about developing potential. To serve people effectively, they recognized the importance of continually improving and developing their own potential as employees and as an organization. Excellence is also one of Agilec’s core values and Going for Gold was about just that – it validated for everyone that their commitment to continual improvement is real and is making a difference. The connection between excellence and mission made it easy to engage everyone at the company in the final sprint across the finish line.

“The Go for Gold experience forced us to look at areas that might have otherwise escaped our attention; it also affirmed all of the good things we are doing. Achieving Gold provides us with external validation of our sound approach to doing business by attending to excellence, innovation, and wellness every day,” says Wendy Legere, Chief Executive Officer at Agilec.

Agilec will be presented with the award on November 5 in Toronto at the Performance Excellence Summit & Canada Awards for Excellence event that recognizes outstanding achievements by organizations in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors across Canada.

About Excellence Canada’s Excellence, Innovation, and Wellness Standard
The Excellence, Innovation, and Wellness Standard was developed by Excellence Canada in association with Excellence Canada partners and professionals from across Canada. The Standard’s design is based on research and knowledge pertaining to success factors in the workplace and the experiences and outcomes of successful organizations.

About Agilec
A values-based company that has earned a reputation over 34 years for being proactive, reliable, and customer-focused while treating people with respect, dignity, and in a positive manner. Agilec started in vocational rehabilitation and employment services and has grown to include, training and organizational development services. In 2018, Agilec helped over 14,000 individuals and organizations redefine change and have people reach their potential while maintaining a 97% customer satisfaction rating.

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