So, what’s this transformational leader thing about?

We are all evolving as individuals.

Organizations are comprised of a bunch of people who (we hope) strive to bring their best selves to work every day.

The one thing we know for certain is that change is always happening. We also recognize that change and evolving can be painful, difficult, confusing, and at times lonely.

Our teams are constantly changing. A Transformational Leader is one who understands this, but also one who knows these steps are necessary in transformation.

We are all in a transformation process of some sort.

Think of all a caterpillar goes through to become a butterfly. It is born, it eats what it needs to survive, it crawls to find food, it cocoons, it eats its own body parts (yep), it sheds its skin, and eventually it becomes a butterfly.

The lessons of the butterfly reflect our own human experience.

A transformational leader is one who supports this evolution, not only of each individual in our organization, but sees that it is an evolution of our organization as well.

The key to understanding transformation is to accept we are always in CHANGE, after all think about it – does the caterpillar know its destination was to become a butterfly? 

As a leader who supports and strives for transformation, our job is to support people as they move through their own growth, and our organization’s evolution. We can do this by trusting the inherent knowing that lies within all of us, and by using our mission and values to support us in navigating through the complexities we may encounter along the way.

This begins with believing that we are all inherently creative, resourceful, and whole – everyone is a leader.  

Here at Agilec, our coaching approach when working with staff and clients, evokes transformation by helping the people we serve identify goals, look at roadblocks, and stretch out of comfort zones. In this process, we all deepen our self and social awareness. By doing this we learn to better understand our impact on each other and on the organization.

You can support transformation by having honest conversations, and by working through triggers and conflict together, understanding this is the way to better ourselves, our clients, and ultimately society.

Looking for more resources? Want to gain more understanding about yourself as a leader and/or the team you are working with?

Check out our newest E-learning course Emotional Intelligence at Work > CLICK HERE

This course includes a detailed assessment of your preferred emotions and behaviours; you will learn how they are impacting your relationships, influence, and daily interactions. Learners will leave with an improved sense of Emotional Intelligence and understanding on what success looks like at work.

Read the next blog in our Leadership Series > CLICK HERE

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