In an escalating situation, minutes matter.

Attending this course will give you the knowledge, practice, and confidence to de-escalate someone’s behaviour effectively.

This interactive training includes skill practice activities related to de-escalating crisis situations and behaviours.

Part 1: Introductions

This interactive training introduces participants to crisis intervention principles, techniques, and approaches for de-escalating crisis situations and behaviours.

You will learn to:

  • Identify crisis characteristics and the warning signs of an escalating situation
  • Review a 4-step process for de-escalating crisis situations
  • Identify techniques for preventing and de-escalating crisis situations and behaviour on the telephone and in person
  • Identify and discuss ways of staying safe in their location
  • Discuss roles during crisis situations

You will receive:

  • Workbook
  • Crisis intervention job aid

Part 2: Simulations

This interactive training includes skill practice activities and simulations related to de-escalating crisis situations and behaviours.

You will learn to:

  • Identify behaviour on a continuum of escalating behaviour
  • Apply techniques for preventing and de-escalating crisis situations and behaviour
  • Experience multiple simulations of crisis situations that are relevant to participants
  • Discuss how to manage crisis situations as a team
  • Discuss violent conflict and how to stay safe and effective responses

You will receive:

  • Crisis de-escalation practice and coaching


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