With access to over 75 courses, now is a great time to upskill and focus on training.

From Leadership to Team Training to Professional Development, we have you covered! Our expanded menu of training includes webinar, e-learning, and in-person delivery options to suit your needs and we have preapproved CEUs on many of our courses. 

Here are the training courses we are running in October, click on each to learn more and register: 

Giving Feedback – Too often feedback is a painful or avoided task, yet this skill increases the quality of collaboration and workplace satisfaction. Discover what effective feedback sounds like and how to deliver it in a way that works for everyone. 

Motivational Interviewing Introductory – Motivational Interviewing is an approach that can support individuals to resolve ambivalence about changes they want to make. This introduction will provide you with a basic understanding of concepts and the skills used. 

Motivational Interviewing Foundational (Level 1) – Based in the theories of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Stages of Change, identify when resistance is present and develop skills to engage with the individual, helping them to move past resistance toward change.

Motivational Interviewing Intermediate (Level 2) – This course builds on the foundational understanding of motivational interviewing using processes and skills to begin having motivational conversations. Apply what you have learned and begin building confidence. 

Emotional Intelligence at Work – Lower work-related stress and reduce conflict by gaining a deeper understanding of the eight emotional behaviours that help or hinder your success at work. Take away strategies that will help you recognize and respond to behaviours effectively. 

Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Decisions – Examine how humans make ethical decisions and the ways that AI may affect decision making. This webinar introduces strategies for improving ethical decisions in the age of AI.  

Suicide Awareness and Prevention – Develop your knowledge through awareness and provide practical tools and techniques to support prevention. 

Lessons in Objectivity – Objectivity is critical for ethical thinking and decisions. Examine what gets in the way and the thinking skills, strategies, and standards that can assist you to approach information more critically.

Training Catalogue

To view our entire training catalogue, click here.

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