Note from Author: Meet Anna Bennett – one of Agilec’s in-house resume writing Gurus. Anna’s role is to take all the little pieces of what makes you, you – whether they be professional (work experience, education, etc.) or personal, and translate them into a customized resume. We sat down with Anna to hear some of her tips and tricks for writing an interview catching resume.

I have been writing resumes for a long time. How long? Well, my son was still in a crib when I started here at Agilec, and now I’m working with him on his professional resume as he prepares to graduate from university!

When I started, my initial thought was that resume writing would be like a typing/data entry service. I quickly realized that this was not the case – not even a little bit. As a Resume Writer, I work with individuals to present their unique qualifications in an employer-friendly format,  I reword descriptions and select words and phrases that really reflects and represents the person I am working with. What they can bring to a potential employer! I also support job seekers as they navigate the challenges of the job search process.

My best advice to people who are working on their resumes is to avoid the trap of just typing up your employment history or education. The best resumes, and the ones that make their way to the top of the HR pile and get you to the all important next step – digs deeper than that. Here are some quick tips to get you started:

Know your “why”

When I work with someone, I strive to understand their reasons and values in seeking change. So before starting your resume, reflect on what your personal mission statement is and work it into your resume.

Dress (your resume) for the job you want, not the job you have

You’re probably familiar with that saying when referring to professional attire in the office, we can apply this same logic to your resume. Instead of just capturing what you’ve accomplished to date, look ahead and express what you want to achieve in this new role. When working with a client I want to know what they want in a workplace, what they want from their next position, and I want to highlight what they can bring to the next opportunity.

At Agilec we have a number of resume writing packages, whether you are a student graduating – seeking an entry level position, hoping to gain a promotion, or looking for a career change, the ultimate goal is for your resume to get YOU noticed. My role is to build resumes that get passed the applicant tracking systems, get your qualifications in front of a person, and ultimately land you an interview with a decision maker.

Want to learn more?

Click here to view Agilec’s resume writing and development packages, or email us to get in touch with a Resume Writer today.

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