Agilec was back with Turn the Tables on Hunger! People and organizations are at the core of what we do and in the month of September, Agilec team members gave back by participating in various activities and fundraisers to help battle hunger in our communities.

Here is a snapshot of our teams in action:


The Ajax team collected over 100lbs of food for the Southside Worship Centre, a community foodbank in their area.

Agilec Ajax Team


The Mount Forest team held a draw and collected donations for the Community Pantry Foodbank at Peter’s No Frills. They raised $300 and collected many food items that were generously donated by the community.

Agilec Mount Forest Team


Our team at Head Office volunteered their time and were extremely successful in filling 6 totes and raising $90 for Simcoe Hall Settlement House.

Agilec CHO Team


Our Ottawa team had a great day volunteering at Just Food and the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard. Shout out to these organizations for doing great work in our community!

Agilec Ottawa Team


The Innisfil team collected some wonderful prizes with the help of community businesses to hold a raffle that raised $330 for the Innisfil Food Bank.

Agilec Innisfil Team


The Kitchener team hosted a Food & Fund Drive throughout September, raising over $270 and collecting 40lbs of food in support of the Food Bank of Waterloo Region – their efforts equalled nearly 851 meals! Some team members also attended the Waffles In The Warehouse event hosted by the food bank.



The Orillia team’s original plan got rained out but they rallied together with the support of the community and partners to collect over 80lbs of food and monetary donations for the Rama Food Bank.

Agilec Orillia Team


The Barrie team held a food drive at Food Basics in support of the Barrie Native Friendship Centre and their Hunger for Hope Program. It was a huge success in raising over $200 and 3 car loads of food.

Agilec Barrie Team


The Peterborough team raised $500 for the Kawartha Food Share from their chilli lunch on TTTOH day and through some other ongoing fundraisers they did over the last year.


We took our fundraising efforts online through our social channels and committed to donate $1 for every like and share of the post. In the end, we donated $150 to Second Harvest, resulting in 300 healthy meals given to those in need.

Online Fundraiser


The Fergus team spent time volunteering at their local food bank where they helped to sort, stack, and organize items in the stock room.


With the help of Cambell’s Orchards, Grills Orchards, and McDowell’s Your Independent Grocer, our Belleville team was able to give 3 families in need a Thanksgiving dinner basket.


Burk’s Falls teamed up with a local community partner to hold a food drive for the local food bank.

Thank you to all of our Agilec team members and to the generous communities we serve – together we can Turn the Tables on Hunger!

To learn more about Turn the Tables on Hunger and see how we have given back to our communities throughout the years, click here.

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