The Agilec Mount Forest team recently had the pleasure of supporting Sam with his employment goals.

Sam identifies as living with Autism and has worked especially hard to overcome obstacles – whether it be understanding the people around him or effectively communicating, he has consistently had to put in extra effort to succeed in the world around him.

Last year, Sam connected with a local program that helps youth with disabilities build life skills and, as he was able to achieve more independence, the next big step in his journey was finding work. That was when Sam was referred to our Agilec Mount Forest team for employment support.

Being the first time Sam had considered employment, he had a difficult time trying to imagine himself in any type of job. However, after some meetings with an Agilec Employment Coach and Employer Liaison, a picture started to develop – Sam had great hand dexterity and good attention to detail due to his interest in building complex Lego structures. As a result of getting to know Sam, our Employer Liaison was able to identify an opportunity with MARCC Apparel, a local branded clothing company, and organized a job placement for him.

Sam took a position in their warehouse where he could work with his hands and use his strengths organizing, sorting, and displaying the apparel in a similar way to how he worked with Lego. Our team established a strong relationship with Sam and his employer and were present on the job site to coach him through this new experience. With the support of the Agilec team and encouragement from his co-workers, Sam was able to settle into his role and is thriving.

Sam continues to work at MARCC Apparel and has gained more independence while expanding his skills to include team work and communication, along with a sense of belonging. MARCC Apparel is proud to be an inclusive employer and they are happy to have Sam on their team!

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