Our latest lineup of training opportunities are designed to help you grow and excel in your career. Whether you’re looking to sharpen your skills, expand your knowledge, or take your professional development to the next level, we’ve got something for everyone!

Upcoming Training

Mental Health First Aid

You know CPR.​
You know how to dress a wound.​
You know how to help someone who is choking.​
… but are you prepared for a mental health emergency?

Our Mental Health First Aid training will teach you how to recognize the signs and symptoms when someone is in distress and support them with appropriate assistance and resources.


Motivational interviewing – Foundational (Level 1)

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is backed by research and widely used across various sectors, making it a valuable skill for anyone working in human services or client-centered roles.

Our MI Foundational Level 1 training is the first step towards developing your expertise by helping you to identify when resistance is present and effectively engage with clients, building trust and guiding them toward successful outcomes.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Our DEI webinar will give you the tools to build a more inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive.

This interactive and practical training will support participants to understand and embrace differences. It explores the importance of belonging in the workplace and focuses on attitudes and behaviours that support diversity and inclusion.


Bringing you more of what you need.

Training Catalogue

From individual to team training, we have expanded our course content and added more flexible delivery options to suit your needs.



Latest News & Insights

Employable YOU: Opening Doors for Youth

Employable YOU: Opening Doors for Youth

Agilec is proud to announce the launch of Employable YOU, an employment program that empowers youth with the skills, knowledge, and experience they need to successfully transition into the labour market. Employable YOU offers a targeted approach to career development,...

Warming Feet and Warming Hearts

Warming Feet and Warming Hearts

We are thrilled to share the success of our Wellington team’s recent Sock Drive that resulted in the collection of 1,013 pairs of socks! While socks may seem like a small thing, they can make a big difference for those receiving them through the CW Food Bank -...

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