Preparing For a Skype Interview

Preparing For a Skype Interview

Scenario: You just said yes to a Skype interview! Now what? Here are a few things to think of before your interview to help you prepare and have a successful video conferencing interview. BEFORE YOUR INTERVIEW Ensure that you have the program or APP downloaded...
I Scents a Need for Change

I Scents a Need for Change

Personal hygiene is a very difficult and uncomfortable issue for many employers and job coaches to deal with. However, it is an important issue. It may even be the most important aspect when meeting an employer for the first time and affects your future in the...
The Comfortable Truth – Why You Left Your Job

The Comfortable Truth – Why You Left Your Job

You are dreading this question, really dreading it, but you know that interviewer who is an absolute stranger is going to ask it. Why did you leave your last job? Your answer to this question is an opportunity to put your best foot forward even when it has a bit of...
An Employer’s Quality Wish List

An Employer’s Quality Wish List

Do you think employers have a wish list of qualities that they look for in a perspective candidate? We may possess our own list when it comes to the ideal job, so why not an employer? The hiring process is not simply about matching your skills and experience with...
The New Twist to E-Hiring

The New Twist to E-Hiring

The statistics regarding the number of job searchers using the internet is astronomical; over 2.2 million Canadians visited Monster in the past month. Why? Many employers are now using the internet as a tool to hire or weed out prospective candidates. To further...

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