When preparing the wardrobe and look for an interview there are many aspects you need to consider, including how much, and what kind of makeup to wear. While you wish to look your best, it is essential to remember that your makeup should not distract the interviewer...
The wrong clothes can make or break your chances at a new job and a fashion mistake at a job interview not only creates a bad first impression, it could cost you the job. Some hiring managers say fashion and grooming mistakes can spoil a candidate’s prospects...
Scenario: You just said yes to a Skype interview! Now what? Here are a few things to think of before your interview to help you prepare and have a successful video conferencing interview. BEFORE YOUR INTERVIEW Ensure that you have the program or APP downloaded...
I admit it. I’m a mouse-girl. I’m a mouse clicker. When I found myself without the use of an external mouse while using my laptop, I felt my impatience and frustration growing… until I remembered my keyboard shortcuts that I learned way back from our IT gurus! Here...
There is always a dilemma of wanting your application (resume and cover letter) to stand out, but stand out in the right way. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you weigh the ‘should-I-or-shouldn’t-I’ idea of adding a new element to your documents. In some...