Mental Health First Aid is an evidence-based program of The Mental Health Commission of Canada. This Certification helps you recognize the signs and symptoms of a mental health problem or crisis so that you can effectively respond with a confident conversation and guide with appropriate resources and support. Training includes certification from the Mental Health Commission of Canada and a manual.

What people are saying about this training.

« I’ve taken similar trainings like this before and this one stood out to me the most! The amount of meaningful discussions and conversations had were so key to my learning. It was refreshing to have a safe space to talk and share opinions and hear from others experiences. I would definitely take this training again! »  – Training Participant

 » Facilitator is very knowledgeable on the subject and makes the material understandable and relatable. » – Training Participant

« I found the course very relevant and informative, and the delivery was excellent and engaging. » – Training Participant

Date / Heure
Date(s) - 17/12/2024
9:00 am - 4:30 pm



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