I heard this for the first time 9 years ago and it has never left me.  I believe the story is found in one of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Editions:

“In life we are always juggling balls. Our lives are so busy, we don’t even realize there are two kinds of balls we are juggling – Glass and Rubber ones.

The Rubber Balls are the things in life we think are important- our jobs, our status in life, our houses, our things/possessions. However, when we drop them they bounce.

The Glass Balls are the things that are of true value- our health, our family, our friends. And when we drop them… they break.

It is important to know and remember the difference.”

Your JOB was merely a rubber ball that you CAN and WILL bounce back from!

Have faith in yourself, trust your judgement, figure out what you do well, and go and sell your merits to an employer!

by Caroline Smaglinski, monthly blogger for Agilec


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