Lets Talk Profiles vs Objectives

Lets Talk Profiles vs Objectives

Some employers and recruiters prefer profiles to objectives; it’s up to you to decide which works best for your resume – keeping in mind your experience, skills, education, training and qualifications, and more specifically, the job that you are interested...
The Gravity of Proofreading

The Gravity of Proofreading

proof·read – To read copy or proof for purposes of error detection and correction. (Source: Online free dictionary definition) At Agilec, we can’t stress this enough – the act of proofreading is one that job seekers should take very seriously. As a manager...
Marketing Yourself to Employers

Marketing Yourself to Employers

We all know that marketing is a major component of business – you use it to sell a product and highlight the benefits that it would provide the buyer. The same goes for job searching – you are the product/service and the employer is the purchaser! This should not be a...
The New Twist to E-Hiring

The New Twist to E-Hiring

The statistics regarding the number of job searchers using the internet is astronomical; over 2.2 million Canadians visited Monster in the past month. Why? Many employers are now using the internet as a tool to hire or weed out prospective candidates. To further...
How Come I Can’t Find a Job?

How Come I Can’t Find a Job?

Okay, I’ve been unemployed long enough! How come nobody wants me? How frustrating this is for someone who has a great work history, is motivated to work, and still can’t find something. What could be going wrong? Here is a Top 10 list to possibly explain things: 10....

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