On September 30, 2021, Agilec team members across Ontario took part in community events of commemoration and remembrance as part of our journey towards truth and reconciliation, making a commitment to keep the conversation alive through action, that day and every day. Each team then came together to create beaded strands that were assembled to form a dreamcatcher.

We gather in strength as relations and allies living to honour the seven Grandfather teachings. Love (eagle), Respect (buffalo), Bravery (bear), Humility (wolf), Wisdom (beaver), Honesty (sabe), all of these together are Truth (Turtle). It is when we do this we can truly promote change.

The dreamcatcher now hangs on the wall at our Head Office in Oshawa.
It represents all Agilec teams joined as one in our continued commitment towards Truth and Reconciliation.




Full Acknowledgment:

Today we gather relations, allies, community, on the lands gifted to us by Creator on which the seven generations before us and their seven generations treaded lightly. Taking only what was needed and offering protection and medicines in return. Today we gather in strength, as relations and allies living to honour the seven grandfather teachings; love, respect, bravery, humility, wisdom, honesty, and truth, because it is when we do this we can truly promote change. Begin the journey from intergenerational trauma to intergenerational wellness. Our next seven generations will have hope that they will have a place to live, thrive and be united. We also acknowledge May 5th the day we remember our stolen sisters. Our aunties, our mothers, daughters, cousins, and relations who have been taken. Take but not forgotten because we will remember you, offer medicines for you in this time and space. We commit to sharing knowledge and making change to ensure this tragedy is recognized and move to a place where one day we hope it ceases to happen. We honour you and ask creator and the ancestors to protect you.

Dream catcher origin:

The Anishinabek (Ojibwe) teaching of the dream catcher is a story of a spider’s protective gift. A grandmother, Nokomis, sees that her grandchild is about to kill a spider and she stops him. The spider, grateful to Nokomis for saving her life, rewards the woman by spinning her magic web. The spider tells Nokomis that the web is to be hung above her bed, as the web allows bad dreams to pass through its centre and catches bad dreams in its silky threads. After being caught in the web, the bad dreams will disappear with dawns first light and the good dreams, now knowing the path are able to visit again.

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