Ergonomic Services
Whether you are working from home or have an existing office workstation at your workplace, it is important that your work environment is set up for your comfort and efficiency.
Poor ergonomic setup and habits can lead to musculoskeletal pain, disorders, and decreased productivity.
Some home-based workstations were put together quickly and don’t provide the same level of support and protection that employees experienced at their office workstation. Also many existing office workstations have a poor design layout or employees have developed bad postures and/or work habits.
With over 50 Occupational Therapists/Kinesiologists on our roster throughout Ontario, our team can provide customizable services to meet your needs.
Our Services
We offer secure virtual or in-person service options.
Ergonomic Consultation
Ergonomic Consultation
A consultation to review the workstation and make ergonomic recommendations which may include changing the set up of the environment or making alternate equipment suggestions.
Ergonomic Assessment
Ergonomic Assessment
A full assessment to identify ergonomic barriers that may worsen symptoms. Recommendations on how to overcome those barriers using education and assistive devices are made in a formal report. Specific equipment and devices may be recommended.
Functional Job Coaching
Functional Job Coaching
Customized coaching with the goal of correcting posture, behavioural, and workstation issues. The coaching can also assist with the set up and use of equipment or devices.
Connect with us today!
If you or an employee need ergonomic assistance, please contact us at 1-800-361-4642 for information about our ergonomic services and to obtain a quote.
Injuries can be avoided.
View our free Ergonomic E-book to learn about minor adjustments that can be made to your home or office workstation.
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