What is Your Superpower?

All of us possess a special or unique skill.  It can be something that you excel at or a talent that you enjoy doing and you are amazing at it. Here is a question that can help you determine your value – why do people come to you when they require your...
Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette

Who says good manners are a thing of the past? Don’t risk your professional reputation to a social blunder. Make sure you’re conveying the right message every time. In today’s working climate it’s important to maintain good relationships. Here are some basics of good...
Marketing Yourself to Employers

Marketing Yourself to Employers

We all know that marketing is a major component of business – you use it to sell a product and highlight the benefits that it would provide the buyer. The same goes for job searching – you are the product/service and the employer is the purchaser! This should not be a...
Online Presence…Do you have one?

Online Presence…Do you have one?

As I was contemplating what to write today in regards to using social media in your job search, I thought, wow, such a big topic – where do I start? And then I realized if you haven’t searched for a job before or not recently, how very overwhelming it must be…job...

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